
Life is Better When You’re Surrounded By Kick-Ass Men

As 2018 winds down and I reflect on this year, the first word that pops into my head is “intense”. This was the craziest, most rewarding, and most challenging year I’ve had so far.

Launching myself head first into starting this community and work while also navigating being a new husband pushed well past my comfort zones. The truth is it’s been hard, and I’ve made a ton of mistakes in both work and love. The rollercoaster of feeling the highest highs and lowest lows in both extremes has almost been too much, and there were multiple moments this year that I almost gave up. I’ve never held as much financial stress, relationship tension, and self-doubt before in my life.

Yet I did, and it’s ONLY because of ONE THING that I was able to do so:

I surrounded myself with KICK ASS MEN.

I’m in 3 men’s groups, lead 3 myself, and have two amazing mentors that have guided me throughout my journey.

I would have never been able to survive this year had I not setup such an amazing support system for myself this year.

The amazing community of men I’ve built around me in my life has supported me in launching my business, being a better husband, confronting my own shadows and edges of growth, and pursuing my artistic passions.  During some of my roughest moments this year the men in my life were able to offer me deep support, council, feedback, and reflections on what was happening.  When I could no longer hold myself together, they were able to hold me.

I’ve done the lone wolf thing before, burying my suffering and trying to grind my way through life figuring it all out on my own and it was brutal. We men love to try and isolate, hide our shame, and push ourselves harder. We pull back away from others draining ourselves of the very connection and nourishment we need to survive life’s biggest challenges.

It doesn’t work. To really change takes changing your life, and it is NOT easy. We men need all the support we can get.

Surround yourself with kickass men that support you when you’re down and challenge you to rise further when you’re up. Don’t wait and do whatever it takes to get them in your life. Your work and your relationships will improve as a result.

Evolutionary Men was created to help. Here’s the different areas to checkout we offer where you can get connected with kickass men:

  1. Group Coaching for Dating & Relating to Magnetize the Women You Desire – APPLY
  2. Men’s Group Facilitator Training to Become a Leader of Men in Your Community –LEARN MORE
  3. Shadow Breakthrough Weekend for Men – REGISTER


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